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Stock Tracking Program

Stock Tracking Program

Enables you to see the stock movements in your business, to plan your purchases and sales, to predict the consumption trends of your customers, to analyze the way your staff use stocks and ultimately to make predictions for your goals.


Hotel Warehouse Motions

Elektraweb offers a simple yet detailed data management to enable efficient management. 20 different companies send at least 100 different materials to your 5 warehouses. Were they sent in sack, by ship? Package prices were written on the invoice. Some of the delivery was sent to production without going to the warehouse, will there be missing stock?

Elektraweb can execute what you would call an endless amount of warehouse processes on a single screen. With mobile terminals warehouse entries that would normally take hours can be  finished in a few minutes.

Elektraweb Stock Tracking Program For Hotels

Stock Count
Stock Count




Stock Count Video
Stock Cards
Stock Cards

Information designated on stock cards from the stock cards screen (stock codes, groups,main groups,VAT, units, purchasing prices, etc.) can be defined on the main screen according to the users request.

Process type, warehouse entry, vendor name, invoice date, due date, materials type and unit, row discounts-total invoice discount, percent discount -sum discount, shipping charge, with employees accepted the delivery and when and many more statistics that you can use for analysis is saved on the warehouse bill and the input of this information can be realised fast thanks to practical definitions.



Stock Cards Video

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