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Personnel Management and Payroll Administration

Personnel Management and Payroll Administration Program

With Elektraweb Personnel and Payroll Program, you can easily track your score, payroll and human resources performance management processes.  It is suitable for companies of all sizes, from small-scale companies where a few people work to conglomerates where thousands of people work. Thanks to the fact that it is web-based and cloud-based, you can start using it immediately without needing any hardware or pre-installation.

Elektraweb HR Software also contains special modules (Card and Face Reading PDKS, Shift tracking, uniform tracking and embezzlement, personnel service, device embezzlement, training, performance audit) that will be needed by businesses that work intensively 24/7, especially in the tourism and health sector. The cloud structure of the program allows automatic receipt of all parameters that must be changed by law and close monitoring of official legislation


Fast, Error-Free and Digital Personnel Management

  • You can receive the job applications online, store in the program and open for use later.
  • You can track the attendance status of the personnel online and ensure that the requests such as permit and advance are made online.
  • You can organize the personnel shifts and report.
  • You can carry out the performance assessments with the heads and managers of the departments online.
  • You can ensure that the official notices such as payroll and written warning are digitally delivered within the legal framework and data are stored in compliance with the GDPR
  • You can automatically make the personnel payments to the banks.

EPersonnel Management and Payroll Administration Program

Personnel Shift Program
Personnel Shift Program
  • You can organize the personnel shifts and report.
  • The managers of the departments can log in with the shift users and organize the shifts of the personnel in their own departments.
  • The shifts can be viewed weekly or monthly.
  • The shifts can be assigned collectively to a department.


Personnel Traning Program
Personnel Traning Program
  • By defining the trainings and choosing the personnel to participate, reports can be received. The personnel trainings transferred can be automatically viewed in the record card.


CV Card
CV Card
  • By receiving job application over the web-site, the applications can be automatically recorded to the CV screen.
  • In case of personnel recruitment with this information, you can create the record card.


Personnel Digital Permit Request
Personnel Digital Permit Request
  • The personnel employed can easily request permit between the dates requested with their user information.
  • The directors of the personnel can process the permit within the framework of a certain approval process.
  • The permit approval process can easily be organized by the company.


  • The Workforce Turnover Rate is a report rating the personnel leaving, personnel employed and working time of these personnel in a certain month or year.
  • The lower the turnover in this report system, the higher the employee productivity of the company.
  • In Elektra Human Resources Program, the productivity of the departments and companies can be calculated graphically.
  • With the turnover report, the employee performance of an enterprise such as working time, department-based turnover rate, department-based leave and employment can be calculated.


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